On one of the two huge granite Cornerstones of Angelus Temple, in Los Angeles, California, one may see the Foursquare Emblem. 

Strange but precious to those who understand because the Foursquare Emblem shows the four faces from Ezekiel's vision surrounding a four in a square planted on the Word of God: facing east, west, north and south, facing the four corners of the earth where the Foursquare Gospel is being taught by Spirit-filled ministers and missionaries. 

The four faces, as described the "Visions of Ezekiel", represent the four phases of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These faces forming the sides of a square encasing the Word of God, represent the "Foursquare Gospel" planted firmly on the Word of God.

  • The face of the man represents the Man of Sorrows, One acquainted with grief dying on the tree, Jesus our Savior.

  • The face of the lion represents the mighty Baptizer with the Holy Ghost and fire, Jesus our Baptizer in the Holy Spirit.

  • The face of the ox represents the Great Burden-bearer, Who Himself took our infirmities and carried our sickness, Jesus our Healer or Great Physician.

  • The face of the eagle reflects the Coming King, our Bridegroom, Who would soon come to catch His beloved bride away, Jesus our Soon Coming King

This Emblem Is A Symbol Which Represents The Foursquare Gospel.

Symbols play a large part in Scripture. Symbols are visible things which represent the invisible and our faith in the promises of God. God sealed His Covenant Promises toward man with tokens or symbols, something man could see with finite eyes to remind him and assure him of those marvelous infinite promises.

Prepared by: 

Juli Martinez
Jen Dancila


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